I asked what specific rights – and again you're incapable of providing any
Do *all* people have the right to privacy, dignity, safety, and self-determination?
Yes. But that is *all* people
And of all of that the right to autonomy; the right to self-determination is key
Your right to self-determination ends when you try to decide for another and as a service user you get no more of a say as to who may use those services as any other service user such as myself
You may choose to use or not use a women's facility or service as you wish. You do not get to make that choice for another woman
Your argument is also immediately and obviously self-defeating. You have argued that women require spaces to themselves because of misogyny as a means of justifying transphobia yet in the same space argue that all women must be forced to give up our spaces and services and share them with men to force them to "address their misogyny". Which is it? Do you wish to retain women's spaces and services? I do. I use them regularly and do not wish to see them removed