"There may be a minor risk to most women from male bodies in these spaces. There may be a risk to transwomen using the service to which their sex limits them. However, it is not up to women to reduce this risk. Rather it is up to men. Do not insist that you have more right to be protected from male violence, from sexist misogyny or to bodily privacy and dignity than women, by bringing that risk with you into female spaces. You do not.
These rights are female rights and our voices are the ones that matter"
If there is minor risk to women from male bodies in these spaces then that applies to all women who may use those spaces. But there is no risk to any trans woman using a service that their "sex limits them" (a term which betrays such a fundamental misunderstanding of the law as to render the entire argument of the author invalid) as the service that our "sex limits us to" are women's services
For the benefit of clarity and the avoidance of doubt – in almost all circumstances (and certainly in day-to-day circumstances) trans people have the full legal right to use the services of their expressed gender identity and these rights are on a par with our cis peers. They are not superior to the rights of our cis peers in any way. My right to use women's services is no greater or less than any cis woman's rights
The author tries to claim that somehow women using women's services brings with them the risk of male violence. Yet this is patently untrue even on the strength (or lack thereof) of the argument itself. Trans or cis, women like myself or my cis sister-in-law are women. Neither of us using the women's toilets or changing rooms bring the risk of 'male violence' with us